วันเสาร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2556

Controlling Premature Ejaculation

Controlling Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation or PE is generally acknowledged as one highly feared sexual problem among men. It usually has far-reaching consequences, often affecting to a certain degree the relationship that a man has with his sexual partner.
Medical practitioners, including sex therapists, often give varying premature ejaculation definitions, usually disagreeing on what actually constitutes PE. Nevertheless, the general agreement is that, as a dysfunction, it occurs in men either on a consistent basis or during particular periods of their lives. Either way, when premature ejaculation takes place much too often and begins to severely affect relationships, appropriate solutions need to be explored.
Premature ejaculation simply refers to the act of ejaculating a bit too early, approximately several minutes after sexual intercourse has commenced, and either before there is penile penetration or shortly afterwards. Most men feel that the dysfunction is something that they cannot really control, particularly among younger men who naturally lack sufficient sexual experiences. Older men generally have more control over their ejaculations, but during certain periods in their lives, especially when they encounter problems of every kind, they can also experience premature ejaculations.
The dysfunction is largely treatable, but most men, sometimes even women, are either not aware of it or are simply too shy to bring it out in the open and discuss it with a trained professional for fear that they will be ridiculed or mocked. Having the courage to admit that one has premature ejaculation issues is usually the first important step to treating the dysfunction. From here, the next step is to seek medical help so the causes of the dysfunction can be properly identified and the most appropriate treatment can be recommended.
A number of medical studies reveal that the dysfunction is actually learned or conditioned, often starting among younger men who, because of fears of getting caught, try to speed up the process of sexual intercourse. This causes them to ejaculate much too early, and this behavior tends to persist over time, resulting to consistent premature ejaculations, even as the men grow in age.
If PE then is learned or conditioned, then the general assumption is that it can likewise be unlearned or unconditioned. This is usually the goal of most premature ejaculation treatment programs. By and large, these programs are effective, especially when conducted under the supervision of a trained and certified sex therapist. However, a number of men find the sessions too long at times, not to mention the fact that complete strangers having the same problem are also taking part in the program. When these factors are present, patients usually try to explore other avenues to resolve their PE problems. Preferably, they look for solutions that are quick and easy to follow like using certain sex pills.
Using special pills to address premature ejaculation problems in men is not an entirely new thing. Men have been making use of them for years as they offer faster solutions to their PE concerns. Even certified medical doctors recommend these so-called sex pills to men suffering from a variety of erectile dysfunctions like premature ejaculation simply because they find them to be largely effective. What makes these sex pills such a potent premature ejaculation weapon can be traced to the ingredients that they contain. Many of these have chemical contents, such as those found in medications classified as anti-depressants. Popular brands are collectively called SSRI's or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.
Largely used in treating cases of depression, SSRI's have recently been found to be effective as well in addressing premature ejaculation concerns, although this particular healing property of the drugs appears to be more of a normal side effect rather than anything else. Nevertheless, various doctors found them to be quite useful and have started prescribing them to affected men.
Other noted sex pills, meanwhile, contain purely herbal ingredients that are known to have sex-enhancing qualities. Herbal ingredients contained in several sex pills have the basic advantage of being pure and natural, and ostensibly carry no adverse side effects, unlike their chemically based counterparts.
Herbal-based sex drugs have recently gained immense popularity as more and more people are beginning to realize the benefits that one can get from taking pure and unadulterated substances. Even the medical world, which previously was hesitant in making use of natural herbs to treat certain human dysfunctions like premature ejaculation, has begun to realize the true value of herbal plants.
Several herbal-based sex drugs are now out in the market, competing for a still generally untapped market, and the leader of the pack is VigRXPlus™. This particular sex-enhancement pill boasts of having all-natural ingredients, basically extracts of various herbal plants that have long been known to help man gain more power sexually and even get rid of common sexual dysfunctions like premature ejaculation.
Specifically, extracts from plants like the Cuscuta seed and the Ginkgo Biloba have been included in every bottle of VigRXPlus™ along with other popular herbal products, making for a truly potent sex pill. Cuscuta seed happens to be particularly effective in addressing premature ejaculation concerns, while the Ginkgo Biloba is said to be capable of increasing blood flow in the vascular region that can ostensibly help improve penile erections.
VigRXPlus™ happens to be just one of many all-natural-based sex enhancing drugs currently trying to attract the attention of concerned men, but it claims to be the safest and the most effective among other similar brands. A visit to its official website, VigRXPlus.com should effectively tell if its claims are true.


Wanted: My Sex Drive Back!

Wanted: My Sex Drive Back!

   Are you dealing with a waning libido that is leaving you less and less interested in sex?
Or worse... is your sex drive gone altogether?
    If you feel like your sex drive is in serious need of resuscitation, don't despair.

You are not alone!

Most women experience a decrease in their sexual desire as they age. And we're not talking about aging as in climbing over the 50-year hill... Your sex drive typically begins to decrease at age 30!
There are a great many factors that can contribute to this decrease in your sexual appetite, including:
  • Hormone fluctuations of monthly menstruation
  • Exposure to synthetic hormones — i.e., birth control pills
  • Hormone changes with pregnancy and post-pregnancy
  • Hormone changes with menopause
  • Poor diet
  • Lack of exercise
  • Stress
These factors are unavoidable to most women through the course of a lifetime.
As we age, we naturally produce less vaginal lubrication. This can lead to uncomfortable — even painful — intercourse, which of course contributes to a lack of sexual desire.
We also begin to have less and less powerful orgasms as we age — again contributing to a waning sex drive.
Plus, stress has been shown to have a direct correlation with a decreased sex drive in women. The more stressed out we become, the less often we desire sexual contact.
And in this day and age of balancing busy careers, kids, husbands, housework, aging parents, and more, our stress levels are reaching new heights — and our sexual desire is hitting all new lows.
Our busy lives also result in poor nutrition and exercise regimens . With no time to worry about proper meal planning, let alone hit the gym, we often let ourselves slide into bad habits that are hard to break. Heavy food and lack of exercise negatively affects a woman's sex drive. End of story.
And for those women who are in a blissful, loving, long-term relationship... well, you're losing your sex drives even faster. Studies show that couples in a committed long-term relationship naturally lose that raw animal desire over time. It's just biology.

Reclaiming your love life

All those reasons we just discussed can be pretty discouraging. How can you ever "rekindle the fire" with so many biological and lifestyle-related factors working against you?
But every woman deserves to have an active, fulfilling sex life.
You should NOT have to make excuses to your husband and feel the silence of his disappointment as you try to go to sleep each night.
You should NOT have to deprive yourself of your womanly desire and the satisfaction of a healthy, active sex life.
Wouldn't you rather LUST after your guy, rather than viewing sex as yet another neglected chore?! Image how much closer, happier, and more content you would both feel if together you experienced sexual desire and explosive orgasms on a regular basis.
It's every woman's right.
And with all-natural supplements like Provestra, you can. Provestra works to restore your hormonal and nutritional balances so that you can experience a noticeable increase in sexual appetite, quicker arousal, and stronger orgasms in as little as seven days.
Provestra has the added benefits of curing vaginal dryness and making orgasm much more easily achievable.
For more information about how Provestra can help you, go to www.provestra.com today.



